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Communitary eco-acustic entanglements



Charlie Villagomez, Yasuní Residence 2019


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What we do
Big Wave

Deep experiences
in nature

We generate experiences that allow you to explore nature and your relationship with it, based on the immertion within sound. 


Environmental awareness

We seek to  transform the way we are related to the natural world and to promote its appreciation and care.

Banana Leaf

Alive knowledge

We generate and share ecological and ancient content about  Nature and the human bond with her. 


Voices of the Forest, a project that houses different ecological initiatives whose purpose is to promote human awareness and regeneration, using sensory methodologies based on listening to Nature.


Challwacocha lagoon, Napo, Ecuador


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Interview in "Radio Antena Uno" about the Symphonic Forest Concert in the Chocó Andino

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Interview with Café Verde- REA Ecuador  about Voces del Bosque

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Interview with the Zoological Foundation of Ecuador about Voces del Bosque Residency

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Trailer for the documentary Voces del Bosque shown as part of the ECOador Film Festival

Interview with Red Divulgaciencia about Singing and Culture in Whales.

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Dhara Rojas

"In this experience with Voces del Bosque I learned about

the importance of sound for life,

and helped me

expand my consciousness to new

meanings and ways of expressing

sounds and the feelings that these

they generate me graphically


"Voices of the Forest has been one of the most memorable and magical experiences I have ever had.

This residence is not only about the encounter with nature or the way in which art can “portray” it; its importance lies in the bond you manage to build with it through sound and silence;

to have the palpable certainty that everything and everyone is closely connected .”

Pamela Goldhagen

"A moving experience that makes you reflect and flourish in different areas of life. An invitation to be free and play with your body and mind.”

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